Many of us are familiar with the artwork created for this album by The Fool which was ultimately rejected in favour of Peter Blake's iconic masterpiece. And, of course, there are alternative shots from Blake's photo session featuring the lads in varying poses. Some of these photos still include extra characters such as Mahatma Gandhi in the background, who were later airbrushed out at EMI's insistence. But what about potential variations of Sgt. Pepper that includes different tracks and running orders?
During the past 30 years I've seen a number of alternative tracklists, either actual possibilities that may have been considered by The Beatles and George Martin at some point, or fanciful suggestions from fans. The first time I became aware of any of these was probably in the liner notes to the 1987 CD release, where it was suggested George Martin had, at some point, considered the following:
Side 1:
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
With A Little Help From My Friends
Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite
Fixing A Hole
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Getting Better
She's Leaving Home
Side 2:
Within You Without You
When I'm 64
Lovely Rita
Good Morning Good Morning
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)
A Day In The Life
I can see how this might work, although I particularly like With A Little Help From My Friends leading straight into the psychedelic opening of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Separating Getting Better and Fixing A Hole, both McCartney songs, makes some sense, since they have more rhythmic and tonal similarities than contrast. Having re-created this disc for my own listening pleasure, I find it doesn't flow as well as the actual release. This, however, could simply be my own prejudices from being so familiar with the original song order after all these years.
George Martin gave Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane to EMI for single release, something he has since stated he regrets doing. The first two tracks recorded for the Sgt. Pepper sessions, they were deemed ineligible for inclusion as they had previously been released. There are quotes from George Martin and the band suggesting they felt it was unfair to fans to sell them the same product twice. Apparently they had forgotten Love Me Do, Please Please Me and other songs which had earlier appeared on both singles and albums. And Sir Paul most definitely ignored this sentiment in the 90s when he released multiple versions of the same single from Off The Ground, each with different bonus tracks. The only other track recorded during these sessions to be considered for Sgt. Pepper was Harrison's Only A Northern Song which the rest of the band felt was sub-standard, despite the amount of effort they put into its creation. (There were further tracks recorded during this time period, such as Carnival of Light, but they were always intended for other specific purposes.)

Everyone has their least favourite tracks on Sgt. Pepper. And I've seen suggestions which drop various combinations of She's Leaving Home, Getting Better, Within You Without You, Lovely Rita and When I'm 64 to fit all or some of these other songs. Altering Sgt. Pepper is a delicate operation, calling for precise planning and thought. The record could have lost more than it gained by losing any of these tracks, all of which added light and shade to the album's flow.
In an article published in 2007, on the eve of the album's 40th anniversary, one reporter claims to have received the inside story on Martin's preferred lineup. Getting Better would have been dropped for Penny Lane, while Within You Without You, which Martin has publicly stated is too long, would have been shortened to make room for Strawberry Fields Forever. Now this is an interesting tracklisting. (Of course we don't know whether Martin would have changed the running order.)
Side 1:
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
With A Little Help From My Friends
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Penny Lane
Fixing A Hole
She's Leaving Home
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
Side 2:
Within You Without You (edited)
Strawberry Fields Forever
When I'm 64
Lovely Rita
Good Morning Good Morning
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)
A Day In The Life
One of the major problems with this suggested order is that suddenly side one becomes very Paul heavy. The Doc, one half of the team here at The Rowboat Syndicate, has created his own tracklist to counter this. He most certainly believes that omitting Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane was a huge mistake. Alongside A Day In The Life, they are the best compositions from the 1966-67 Sgt. Pepper era in terms of lyrics, arrangements and performances. They all push the envelope in recorded music, and they still amaze almost fifty years later. A shortened Within You Without You and the removal of Lovely Rita permits room for their inclusion. While he would be happy for Lovely Rita to have remained, in his opinion it feels like a throwaway compared to weightier songs.
The Doc would retain side one as it is. Within You Without You (removing the instrumental break) would open side two, and be followed by a surreal visit to Liverpool's past and The Beatles' childhood through Strawberry Fields Forever. Harrison's song is philosophical, but also reflective and looks inward. Lennon's is just as reflective though in a far more personal way. The outro of George's song fades and Strawberry Fields Forever immediately cuts in, making these two songs feel seamless. Penny Lane, being more upbeat and faster in tempo, continues the build from the slower, introspective pieces. And the two tracks belong together. They're two sides of the coin. Maintaining the Liverpool flashback, When I'm 64, their homage to English music hall, dovetails beautifully behind Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane. It works. It's organic. The contrast in feeling is perfect.
With the final notes of When I'm 64 fading, The Doc suggests a return to the official sequence of the album. The transition to Good Morning, Good Morning again feels seamless, and it's good to bounce back to a John song after enjoying back-to-back Paul songs. The Reprise leading into A Day In The Life is as close to a perfect conclusion as we could have.
Sgt. Pepper in its released form is more lopsided than other Beatles' albums like Rubber Soul and Revolver. Including the Liverpool songs adds far more muscle to a weaker side two and balances the album. It also elevates a very good album into a true masterpiece. One more subtle, but essential improvement: Sgt. Pepper is no longer dominated by Paul's voice but more equally weighted with John's. The Doc prefers Revolver, Rubber Soul and The White Album, simply because of that balance between John and Paul, and that is something he misses with Sgt. Pepper.
Doc's tracklisting:
Side 1:
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
With A Little Help From My Friends
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Getting Better
Fixing A Hole
She's Leaving Home
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
Side 2:
Within You Without You (edited)
Strawberry Fields Forever
Penny Lane
When I'm 64
Good Morning Good Morning
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)
A Day In The Life
Besides the above hypothetical exercises, there were legitimate variations of Sgt. Pepper released. The nature of 8-track cartridges meant each of the four programs (similar to vinyl sides) were most effective when they were of approximately the same length. For this reason the song order for the 8-track version underwent some shuffling. A Day In The Life no longer closes the album. That honour goes to Sgt. Pepper's (reprise), which has also been edited to artificially extend it by ten seconds.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
A Little Help From My Friends (sic)
Fixing A Hole
Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite
Program 2
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Getting Better
She's Leaving Home
Program 3
Within You Without You
A Day In The Life
Program 4
When I'm Sixty-Four
Lovely Rita
Good Morning Good Morning
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)
There are two legitimate Sgt. Pepper oddities that require mentioning. Both were Asian releases.
Malaysia and Hong Kong, like the BBC, banned three songs for supposed drug references. And so the Far Eastern version of this record was unique, and obviously created several months after the album's initial release. I've never heard an actual copy of this, so I have no idea on whether the tracks have different edits. I suspect not. For my own enjoyment I re-created this record on CD, taking the time to crossfade Sgt. Pepper into The Fool On The Hill, and the Pepper (reprise) into I Am The Walrus. And while I would never replace my regular copy of the album with this version, it is one that I find charming and listen to from time to time. (If anyone can supply me with a needledrop of this record, please contact me.) The rear cover of the album was altered to reflect the unusual tracklist.
Side 1:
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Fool On The Hill
Baby You're A Rich Man
Getting Better
Fixing A Hole
She's Leaving Home
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
Side 2:
Within You Without You
When I'm 64
Lovely Rita
Good Morning Good Morning
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)
I'm The Walrus (sic)
In 1977 South Korea issued a version of Sgt. Pepper which completely removed Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds and A Day In The Life. Neither track was replaced, which must make for a very short and incomplete listening experience. The artwork on both the front and rear were drastically altered as well. As McCartney sang, very strange.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
With A Little Help From My Friends
Getting Better
Fixing A Hole
She's Leaving Home
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
Side 2:
Within You Without You
When I'm 64
Lovely Rita
Good Morning Good Morning
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)
But let's return to the possible inclusion of Only A Northern Song on the album.
I have yet to see any alternative listing with this track that I find satisfying. I thought I saw one suggested by Mark Lewisohn many years ago. Now, however, I can't find it, and can't recall from where he may have sourced that information. Of course my mind may be playing tricks, it might not exist and it's possible I imagined the whole thing.
I really quite like Only A Northern Song, Harrison's first full-on attempt at psychedelia. (Mind you, I also have a soft spot for It's All Too Much.) My gut feeling is it would never really fit properly. It's big, brassy and loud, and would need to be placed exactly so, should it be included. The Doc agrees. While he also likes Only A Northern Song and has sequenced It's All Too Much into his Sgt. Pepper mix a few times, neither fits. The former is too weak a song and the latter takes the album on a tangent with its freakout feedback, which he actually likes. Both tracks, however, disrupt the flow, whereas Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane meld into the overall mix organically. Think of it this way: each song on Sgt. Pepper is like a sequence in a film. Each song must occur at the right place for the whole album to flow, for songs to contrast each other in feeling and idea and complement each other when needed.

Are there any other ideas out there? Any variations I've missed? I'd certainly be thrilled if anyone could source further alternative tracklistings. Your personal suggestions are also most welcome in the comments.
Remember, Sgt. Pepper was originally released in the days of vinyl and neither side would have extended much beyond 22 minutes or so.
For further information on Sgt. Pepper, I recommend this page at The Beatles Internet Album.